Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Spring Break and Crap

Work sucks. There is no other way to articulate it. I promise. I've been ready to go since 8:01 this morning, which is when I clocked in. I think I'm on the final revision of my resume. I went through three professors and ended up with five different revisions. It was very helpful though. I don't think I could have done it without them. It makes my work experience sound much fancier and meaningful than what it actually seems like I do.

So spring break is this week. That means a very eventful week of working for me! I really don't mean to sound so sarcastic, I guess it's just my nature. It is nice to get a break from school, even if it means I have to work all week. Plus, the extra money is nice and needed. I really need to study for my marketing test (which I have to take when we get back), but I just do not feel like it. I also really need to grade some papers, but once again, I don't want to.

I crocheted a new bag this weekend. It didn't come out how I wanted it to, but I still like it. It's white and is big enough to carry around all my junk. I need to post some pictures of my crocheting projects. Seems kind of nerdy, but I enjoy it. It's very relaxing. I'll probably have arthritis when I'm 30 but for now, it's relaxing.

Oh yeah, I created a blog for Aleesha's wedding. I thought it would be a cool thing for her to have. Gosh, I just can't believe what an awesome Maid of Honor I am. I should get an award or something.

My brother called this afternoon really ticked and upset. He had detention (another story, that surprisingly enough, isn't his fault) and was three minutes late--THREE MINUTES--and they wouldn't let him in. My bro asked him what was going to happen now and he told him he'd find out tomorrow when the vice-principal got a hold of him. What a jerk. What a way to wield your power as a detention monitor overly unruly teenagers. I realize that this teacher probably hates his job and has to deal with true delinquents, but come on. Three minutes?

And finally, it really is amazing how God works. Even in small things that you wouldn't have even have seen coming. One of my closest friends from high school/early college have recently been in touch again. It's been so long since we talked and just kind of stumbled across each other. Funny how things happen. I've really missed talking to him.

Posted by Brandy at 4:45 PM


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