Buy My Books!!!
I'm trying to unload the last of my college textbooks. If you or anyone you know are interested, click here. Help a girl payoff her PC.
Posted by Brandy at 12:26 PM
I'm trying to unload the last of my college textbooks. If you or anyone you know are interested, click here. Help a girl payoff her PC.
Posted by Brandy at 12:26 PM
I just finished proofreading a paper for someone on Bill Gates. Below are two quotes by Gates used in the paper:
"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."He should be pretty well educated then, right?
"There are people who don't like capitalism, and people who don't like PCs. But there's no one who likes the PC who doesn't like Microsoft"You laughed at the last one too, didn't you?
Posted by Brandy at 8:58 AM
My fortune cookie today reads:
"I am always doing that which I cannot do in order that I may learn how to do it."Oh, yeah. And my lucky numbers are 1, 20, 44, 38, 9, and 21.
Posted by Brandy at 1:01 PM
This devotional/article made me smile.
"In fact, I bet God laughs when I’m acting dumb; I bet He laughs so hard sometimes He falls off His throne and rolls around in the clouds (yes, I’m fully aware that particular statement might ignite a theological argument—it’s a figure of speech). I bet He frowns when I screw up. And I bet He’s sad when I mess up.From "I Bet" by Bo Lane on Relevant.
"I bet when God smiles, it paints the clouds. And when He laughs, it makes the mountains tremble and the earth shake."
Posted by Brandy at 10:04 AM
Thanks to anyone who sent up a prayer for Ray. As I mentioned in a previous post, he's in the hospital undergoing treatments and prepping for surgery for cancer in his liver and colon. He's lived a long, good life (70 years) and is really one of the best, moral men you'll ever meet. The praise here is that he accepted Christ as his Saviour last night! Too many people don't realize that it doesn't matter how good of a life you've lead, it doesn't matter unless you accept His gift of salvation.
Posted by Brandy at 8:14 AM
These baby showers are starting to wear on me. I think it's the new trend to be pregnant. Seriously--all the cool kids are having babies. My shower counter is currently at six. Six showers. Someone at work told me a while back to be careful because something must be in the water. Sorry; I don't think God has anymore divine and miraculous conceptions planned for the future.
Posted by Brandy at 2:05 PM